Medialog Inc.


All Medialog bibliographic records are prepared from examination of the item being described. We do not distribute minimal, incomplete, or prepublication records.

All Medialog bibliographic records include a complete physical description, including paging (pages in books without page numbers are counted and entered in the record in brackets), physical details, dimensions, and accompanying material; an objective, complete sentence summary; Dewey Decimal classification; complete title and statement of responsibility; edition statement; series statement and series numbering when applicable; publisher name, place of publication, publication date and copyright date when applicable; other titles under which the book may be searched; ISBN, ISSN, and Library of Congress catalog number when assigned; added entry tracings, such as illustrators, compilers, and editors.

All Medialog records may be ordered with Sears and/or Library of Congress subject headings. In addition, Library of Congress Children's subject headings are available for all juvenile titles.

Descriptive elements are transcribed based on the rules of the latest edition of "Anglo American Cataloging Rules" (AACR). The current edition in use is "Second Edition (2002 Revision with 2005 Update)." Subject analysis is guided by the rules of each subject vocabulary: Sears, LC and LC Children's. Classification is derived using the rules of Dewey Decimal Classification. All bibliographic records are in MARC21 format.

Our database is continually updated to include the most recent reading program information in our records, including Lexile, Accelerated Reader, and Reading Counts!.

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